Tintu C Raju / Tintu Vlogger
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262 AI Camera technology explained

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261 How web browsers are working.?

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260 Income share agreement explained

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259 Accessibility & inclusive design

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258 create Chat GPT bot

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257 chat GPT tutorial

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256 cryptography & encription explained

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255 python automation

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254 E-bull jet issue reaction

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253 is college education waste.?

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252 pegasus explained

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251 python web scraping

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250 Github copilot

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249 data structures explained

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248 js - web socket project

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247 js - web sockets explained

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246 mistakes done by programmers

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245 face and emotion detection

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244 artificial intelligence

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243 js - progressive web app

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242 js - Web designing - p6 dark mode

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241 Web designing - p5 contact form , live chat

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240 Python open CV project

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239 JS - Develop virtual reality

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238 My Story

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237 Chinese Apps banned

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236 Django tutorial

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235 Web designing - p4 website development

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234 Node Js - Mongo DB

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233 Mongo DB tutorial

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232 Python speech synthesis projects

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231 Python tutorial

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230 Web designing - p3 bootstrap 4

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229 Laravel part2

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228 Deno js

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227 Laravel part1

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226 Node js - JWT based authentication

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225 Node js - API development

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224 Web designing - p2 responsive design

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223 JS - snake game

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222 JS - canvas painting app

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221 Html5 canvas tutorial

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220 Sass tutorial

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219 Web designing - p1 design with photoshop

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218 JS - Event loop

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217 JS - callback , promise , async , await

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216 React js - covid status tracker

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215 React js - routing

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214 React js - save to database

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213 React js - ajax with axios

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212 React js - life cycle methods

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211 React js - todo application

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210 React js - render a list

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209 how to get software engineer job

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208 React js - event handling

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207 google 3d animals

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206 React js - class component

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205 React js - props

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204 React js - function component

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203 React js - jsx

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202 React js - new app

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201 React js - introduction

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200 covid 19

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199 DBMS - joins

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198 DBMS - group by having

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197 DBMS - aggregate functions

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196 DBMS - subquery

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195 DBMS - Multiple Conditions

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194 C Programming - p65 array and function argument

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193 C Programming - p64 call by value & reference

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192 C Programming - p63 local,global scope

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191 C Programming - p62 functions with parameters

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190 C Programming - p61 functions

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189 Codeigniter tutorial

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188 JS - Module , import , export

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187 JS - Modern JS part 2

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186 JS - Modern JS part 1

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185 Php - Mysql connection

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184 DBMS - Where IN

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183 DBMS - Like condition

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182 DBMS - where clause

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181 DBMS - Distinct , Limit

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180 Node js - Mysql connection

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179 Node js - Express parameters

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178 Node js - Express middleware

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177 Node js - Express js

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176 Node js - Custom module

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175 Node js - Package.json , nodemon

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174 Node js - NPM

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173 DBMS - Select query

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172 DBMS - Insert query

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171 DBMS - Alter query

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170 Node js - URL module

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169 sundar pichai alphabet CEO

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168 C Programming - p60 multiplication table

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167 C Programming - p59 fibonacci series

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166 DBMS - database , table creation

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165 C Programming - p58 factorial program

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164 Node js - Read File

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162 DBMS - SQL

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161 Node js - File system

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160 DBMS - introduction

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159 Node js - Create server

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158 Node js - global & OS

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157 Node js - first program

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156 Node js - introduction

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155 php - create session

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154 session cookie explained

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153 social media marketting

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152 php - file uploading

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151 php - form handling

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150 JS - Ajax coding

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149 tech news s1 e4

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148 JS - What is ajax

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147 C Programming - p57 string palindrome without string.h

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146 C Programming - p56 string palindrome

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145 tech news s1 e3

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144 C Programming - p55 palindrome or not

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143 C Programming - p54 sum of first n numbers

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142 C Programming - p53 sum of elements of array

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141 C Programming - p52 read & display array

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140 C Programming - p51 continue

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139 C Programming - p50 break

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138 C Programming - p49 why so many loops

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137 C Programming - p48 for loop

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136 tech news s1 e2

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135 C Programming - p47 do while loop

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134 C Programming - p46 while loop

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133 C Programming - p45 goto

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132 C Programming - p44 string.h

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131 C Programming - p43 math.h

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130 C Programming - p42 switch

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129 C Programming - p41 ternory operator

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128 tech news s1 e1

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127 C Programming - p40 nested if else

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126 C Programming - p39 if else

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125 C Programming - p38 struct

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124 C Programming - p37 typedef

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123 C Programming - p36 scanf

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122 C Programming - p35 string & pointer

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121 C Programming - p34 array & pointer

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120 C Programming - p33 pointers

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119 C Programming - p32 string

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118 C Programming - p31 array

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117 C Programming - p30 operators part3

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116 C Programming - p29 operators part2

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115 C Programming - p28 binary operators

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114 C Programming - p27 enum

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113 C Programming - p26 variables part2

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112 C Programming - p25 memory allocation

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111 C Programming - p24 variables

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110 C Programming - p23 Comments

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109 C Programming - p22 First Program

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108 C Programming - p21 IDE

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107 C Programming - p20 Introduction to C

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106 Tintu weds Geethu

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105 Basic Programming - p19 conclusion & exam

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104 Basic Programming - p18 reusing code

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103 Basic Programming - p17 functions

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102 Basic Programming - p16 repeating things

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101 Basic Programming - p15 decision making

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100 Basic Programming - p14 group of items in programming

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99 Basic Programming - p13 numbers and letters

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98 Basic Programming - p12 data type

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97 Basic Programming - p11 variables

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96 Basic Programming - p10 how to learn multiple languages

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95 Basic Programming - p9 different languages

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94 Basic Programming - p8 programming languages

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93 Basic Programming - p7 language of computer

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92 Basic Programming - p6 algorithm p2

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91 Basic Programming - p5 algorithm

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90 Basic Programming - p4 logic

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89 JQuery Part 7

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88 JQuery Part 6

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87 JQuery Part 5

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86 Basic Programming - p3 problem solving

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85 JQuery Part 4

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84 JQuery Part 3

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83 Exam time message to parents

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82 JQuery Part 2

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81 Basic Programming - p2 Hardware & Software

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80 MI soundbar review

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79 Programming for beginners

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78 JQuery part1

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77 Php - Static

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76 Php - Interface

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75 Php - Abstract Class

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74 Php - Method Overriding

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73 Php - Constructors

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72 Php - Inheritance

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71 Php - Classes & Objects

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70 JS - Localstorage

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69 Facebook AI data collection

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68 JS - Date Time

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67 Prototyping Model

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66 Waterfall Model

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65 paid subscribers in youtube

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64 php basics

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63 OOP Concepts

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62 Regular expression part2

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61 Flash sale cheating

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60 Regular expression part1

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59 Darkweb explained

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58 Angular 6 - Http Request

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57 JS - Timer

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56 Angular 6 - Route parameters

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55 custom command to google assistant

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54 Journey to flooded kuttanad

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53 JS - Math functions

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52 Angular 6 - Routing

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51 Angular 6 - Single Page application

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50 Angular 6 - Event binding

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49 Angular 6 - Data inside component

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48 Angular 6 - Components

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47 Angular 6 - Run application

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46 JS - Event Listeners

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45 Angular 6 - Application structure

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44 JS - Inline Events

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43 JS - Query Selector

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42 Angular 6 - Install node js , angular

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41 Angular 6 - Inheritance in TS

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40 JS - ID,Class,Tag Selectors

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39 Angular 6 - Classes and objects in TS

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38 Angular 6 - Typescript

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37 JS - closure

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36 JS - variable scope

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35 JS - functions part2

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34 JS - functions

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33 Binary to decimal conversion

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32 Decimal to binary conversion

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31 Phases in software engineering

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30 JS - Break and continue

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29 Dubsmash of sister

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28 Number Systems tutorial

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27 Logic Gates tutorial

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26 JS - ForEach,For IN

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25 JS - For loop

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24 JS - Do While loop

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23 JS - While loop

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22 Client server architecture

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21 Angular JS Tutorial

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20 Challenges in software engineering

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19 JS - Switch case

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18 JS - If condition

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17 Art vs Engineering

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16 JS - Objects

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15 Algorithm complexity

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14 Google I/O 2018

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13 Google assistant

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12 JS - array handling

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11 JS - string handling

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10 ways to write javascript

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9 JS - Variables

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8 JS - DOM

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7 Javascript - introduction

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6 Introduction to software engineering

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5 Introduction to computer

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4 Pomodoro method

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3 Use kinemaster pro for free

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2 Remove footer from weebly

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1 Google photos update