guest@tintu.in:~$ping my guest
guest@tintu.in:~$Guest From India മലയാളീ ഡാ 🙏
I'm Tintu, I Like to Write Poems .
In this immense universe, I often ask myself:who am I..?what is my role..?What is the purpose of my existence?These questions are the essence of my contemplation. While I haven't yet found my Bodhi tree, I'm still on a journey to find meaning in life, contributing in whatever small ways I can. For me, life is about crafting memories that endure; we may fade away, but our memories will live on.
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Get in touch
If there's something I can help you with , feel free to ask. I'll be happy to help you. Please note : Utilize google/stack overflow etc. before seeking help from someone.90% of the problems can be solved by yourself.
Our Location
Tintu C Raju Chirappattu Chottanikkara / Ernakulam / Kerala India 682312
Phone Number
+91 8301888249
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